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War ethics are sinking to a new low in Afghanistan. But then expecting anything better from a mindlessly fanatic outfit like the Taliban is foolish. An Afghan boy was made to wear a vest laden with explosives by the taliban and press a button when he came near US or Afghan soldiers. Some reports say the boy, Juma, was smart enough to figure out the vest contained explosives. Others say he was picked up at an Afghan army checkpost in Ghazni province, after he was spotted wandering about looking confused.
Children have not been used as bombers in Afghanistan by the Taliban till now. Its spokesman, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, flatly denied the charge saying it was a propaganda stunt to tarnish its image.
We don’t need to use a child. Its against Islamic law, it’s against humanitarian law
, he said emphatically.
But if this is the first instance of a new tactic used by the Taliban, US forces will be in a dilemma. Should they a shoot child strapped with bombs? Lieutenant Colonel David Accetta, ISAF eastern regional command spokesman, elucidates the possible predicament,
The rules of military engagement are easily muddied when a child poses a direct threat. What we do if we identify the fact that an adult is wearing a suicide vest is we use whatever force we deem necessary to protect the lives of our soldiers and any civilians. Of course it makes it more difficult - it’s a six year-old child
If Taliban do start using children as bombers they will lose whatever support they have amongst the Afghan populace. They have not made themselves popular during the years of their rule by their extremely orthodox views on women and the strict adherence to Sharia.