Kate Winslet & Leonardo most Romantic Couple On Screen, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio 'most romantic onscreen couple in cinema history'

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet have been named the most romantic onscreen couple of all time.

The survey of moviegoers saw the pair voted ahead of classic on screen pairings such as Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh from ‘Gone with the Wind’, reports the Daily Mail.

Almost a quarter of all those who voted rated the romance that plays out during the final hours on the ill fated cruise liner ‘Titanic’ as the best Hollywood has ever made.

The romance between Gable and Leigh in the classic 1939 film ‘Gone with the Wind’ was rated the second most romantic onscreen pairing.

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman’ landed the third spot in the survey.

Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall from the 1942 classic ‘Casablanca’ came fourth while Spencer Tracey and Katherine Hepburn were voted fifth.

More than 500,000 people were asked for their favourite film choices and characters for ABC TV and People magazine.